For Better Recovery
Hydrate: Drink fluids, especially water, before and after surgery.
Eat more protein for faster healing: especially fish, beans, legumes, nuts.
Eat vegetables and fruit: Fiber will help you avoid constipation and you will also get much needed nutrients that reduce inflammation and help skin and tissue heal.
Be active: If you are not active, increase your physical activity at least a week prior to surgery. If you are active, stay active. You can walk, swim or do any other of your usual exercise. After surgery, if comfortable enough, get up and walk. Too much physical inactivity makes a patient vulnerable to blood clots.
Avoid sugar and sweets as they can slow the healing and increase risk of infection.
Stop smoking. Smokers have a higher rate of surgical site infections as smoking decreases their blood flow which leads to complications, including serious ones.
Besides aspirin and vitamin E, avoid garlic, ginkgo, ginseng, turmeric or fish oil prior to surgery. They’ll increase the risks of bleeding.
Try to keep a healthy weight. Being severely overweight or underweight increases recovery risks.
Practice methods that reduce stress. Positive thinking reduces stress which in turn lowers inflammation. With less inflammation, the body can heal quicker.
Comfortable outfits that are easy to put (button up shirts, zippers) will be a necessity. Your incisions and dressings may limit your clothing options so plan for this ahead of time.
If your bedroom is upstairs, consider setting up on the couch downstairs. Make sure you’re near a restroom. Keep snacks, water and your medication nearby.
These are general recommendations but as always, every patient should carefully follow their surgeon’s instructions postoperatively.