Ocean Surgery Center Blog Torrance
A Five Star Review
and Dr. Khattab received this review today. The Ocean team would like to thank Roland for taking the time to do this. I had a basal cell carcinoma—an aggressive skin cancer that forms in the basal cell, the deepest layer of skin. The lesion does not spread (metastasize) but, it did grow. In November 2015, […]
Nurse Mollie Answer Patients’ Top Questions
Why do I have to pee before I leave recovery? Answer: Sometimes parts of the brain don’t wake up as fast as others. We give you fluid through the IV during your stay and need to see some pass through your system to make sure all systems are awake from the anesthesia. Why do I […]
Getting Ready for Surgery
Mollie Baldenegro BSN, RN The days leading up to surgery can be an anxious time for patients. Thinking about the different medications, dressings, and recovery will cause anyone to become a little antsy. And this can affect the outcome of the surgery without you even knowing it. But just like the surgical team that starts […]
OSC’s Care Coordination Gurus
guru noun gu·ru \ˈgu̇r-(ˌ)ü, ˈgü-(ˌ)rü also gə-ˈrü\ : a person who has a lot of experience in or knowledge about a particular subject Meriam Webster Dictionary A guru is also a teacher or a guide, one who holds trust, especially in “matters of fundamental concern” (also as per Meriam Webster). Healthcare decidedly, is a matter […]
Ocean Surgery Center on the Web
It’s been more than two years since OSC launched oceansurgerycenter.com—OSC’s bundled-pricing, transparency-focused website. This online presence remains as important today as it was then. It had long been clear to us that healthcare had become an unfordable experience that delivered care with much inefficiency. The business of healthcare had taken precedence over healthcare itself. The […]